Wanganui Branch History
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Formation of the C. D VHF Group
June 1970 saw the appointment of Peter Doney ZL2TDI and Vic Cook ZL2TLX as Br 48 reps on the newly-setup ZL2VHF Central Districts Group.
November meeting attendees appointed reps for a Deerstalkers’ meeting to discuss the inclusion of the Tramping Club into the tenant arrangement and at the December 1970 meeting ZL2GA was nominated for re-election as a ZL2 Councillor.
1971-73: The February 1971 meeting welcomed to the Branch a new Wanganui resident, namely Eddie McPake ZL2TIQ (later ZL2AAI) and at the April meeting Peter ZL2TDI reported on a meeting of Wanganui and Manawatu VHF operators held at Lloyd Higgott’s residence on March 27 1971. The meeting was held as a protest against the Wellington area assuming the role of sole-spokesmen on VHF matters for the entire Second Districts. It had been decided to form a Central Districts VHF Group to look after the area’s interests.
In November a letter of condolence on the passing of his father (Charlie ZL2BY/ZL1DX) was sent to Ron Berry and members at the March meeting of the following year paid tribute to the memory of the late Brian Brady ZL2BEB. Also at this meeting some members were incensed at ‘High Power’ in the Nat Field Day and stressed that the matter be raised at Conference.
Members paid tribute to the memory of a past Secretary of the Branch Mr Lo Steeneken ZL2AZR at the November 1972 meeting.
The Branch set up a station from 6 - 13 January 1973 at the Scout Camp enabling contacts with other Scout Camps set-up through-out ZL.
FT 101: In February of 1973, the Branch made the first moves to investigate the help available in financing a purchase of a commercial rig for AREC purposes.
At the March meeting, newly arrived amateurs in Wanganui, namely Malcolm Fretter ZL2AMP and Tony Brown ZL2DB, were welcomed. At the 2 May 1973 Committee Meeting it was decided to proceed with the purchase of a FT101 transceiver: This rig duly displayed at the following Oct AGM.
At the November meeting, Barry ZL2AUS (later ZL2RR) was elected to the vacant position of Secretary on the understanding that Kay Stewart (later ZL2TJW) would fill-in when shifts precluded him from attending. It was also decided at the same meeting to enter the HIGH-POWER section of National Field Day!
Two-Metre Repeater “Floated”
1974: Members at the February 1974 meeting paid tribute to the late Brian McLean ZL2HM and Kay Stewart was elected Treasurer to fill the vacancy left by the passing of ZL2HM.
At this time the Secretary wrote personal letters to all Wanganui amateurs not members of the Club outlining the benefits of joining up with the rest of us and the intention of the Branch to pursue the matter of a 2 metre repeater. (The President and Secretary then set about convincing the members that a 2 metre repeater would be a good thing for the Branch!)
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